Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) is a highly optimized, extensively threaded, and thread-safe library of mathematical functions for engineering, scientific, and financial applications that require maximum performance. Intel MKL 11.3 Update 1 packages are now ready for download. Intel MKL is available as part of the Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio . Please visit the Intel® Math Kernel Library Product Page .
New Features in MKL 11.3 Update 1
- Benchmarks:
- Added new Intel® Optimized High Performance Conjugate Gradient (HPCG) Benchmark with second generation of Intel® Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor support
- Improved MP LINPACK benchmark organization by removing sub-optimal MP LINPACK binaries from the product
- Improved MP LINPACK performance for Intel® Advanced Vector Extension 2 (Intel® AVX2) for 64-bit Intel MKL
- Improved BLAS Level 1 performance for Intel AVX2 and Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX512)
- Improved performance of BLAS Level 3 functions (S,D,C,Z)SYMM and (C,Z)HEMM with Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) threading when left side specified and m>>n and when right side specified and n>>m
- Improved parallel performance of ?GEMM for Intel AVX2 for 64-bit Intel MKL for matrices with moderate dimensions
- Improved BLAS Level 3 performance for Intel AVX512
- Improved performance of (S,D)GEMV for Intel AVX2 for 64-bit Intel MKL
- Improved parallel performance of ?TRSM for Intel AVX2 for 64-bit Intel MKL
- Improved ?NRM2 performance for Intel® Advanced Vector Extension (Intel® AVX) and Intel AVX2 for 32-bit and 64-bit Intel MKL
- Fixed (S,D)GEMM issues for beta=0 cases affecting Intel AVX2 for 64-bit Intel MKL during multithreaded execution
For DGEMM, this affects matrices with N < 4000 and M/nthreads > 5004
For SGEMM, this affects matrices with N < 4000 and M/nthreads > 10008 - Fixed (S,D)SYMM issues for beta=0 cases affecting Intel AVX2 for 64-bit Intel MKL during both multithreaded and sequential execution
For DSYMM, this affects matrices with M/nthreads > 5004
For SSYMM, this affects matrices with M/nthreads > 10008
- Introduced an Intel TBB threading layer providing Intel MKL composability for DSYEV and DPSTRF
- Added C language LAPACK examples
- Significantly improved performance of (D/S/C/Z)STEDC and (D/S/C/Z)YEVD functions for middle sized matrices with about 4K rows or columns
- Added Intel TBB threading support
- Added support for block compressed sparse row (BSR) matrix storage format
- Added optimization for matrices with variable block structure
- FFTs
- Significantly improved small 2D and 3D batched FFT performance on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor and second generation Intel Xeon processor.
- Sparse BLAS:
- Added Intel TBB threading support for matrix-vector multiplication for BSR and CSR matrices
- Improved parallel performance of sparse matrix by sparse matrix multiplication for large matrices with the inspector-executor API
- Extended Eigensolver
- Improved diagnostics in generalized eigenproblems for matrices which are not positive definite
- Random Number Generators
- Improved performance of MCG59 and MCG31M1 basic generators and Gaussian ICDF distribution
- Summary Statistics
- Improved performance of covariance, correlation and cross product for cases of larger p dimension
- Vector Mathematics
- Improved performance for vsRint, vsNearbyInt, vsConj, and vdConj functions
- Improved accuracy for the EP version of the vdDiv function, the HA version of the vsTan function, and the LA version of the vdTan function
- Fixed incorrect setting of VML_STATUS_ACCURACYWARNING in the HA and LA complex functions vzAdd, vzSub, vzMul, vzMulByConj, and vzDiv
- Added code examples demonstrating use of ScaLAPACK functionality
- Added mkl_version.h include file, which can be used to determine the version of Intel MKL at the time of compilation
Check out the Release Notes
- File: w_mkl_11.3.1.146_online.exe
Online Installer for Windows
- File: w_mkl_11.3.1.146.exe
A File containing the complete product installation for Windows (32-bit/x86-64bit development)